Me First and the Gimme Gimmes "Blow it in Japan" INTERVIEW!!
Me First and the Gimme Gimmesが10年振りの(ライブ)アルバム「Blow It At Madison's Quinceanera!」をリリースし、2018年以来久しぶりの来日ツアーを敢行する。来日に合わせて、一問一答のインビューを実施した。
Interview by Shuhei "BONE$" Dohi
― 今のバンドメンバーについて教えていただけますか?
• Could you introduce the current members of the band?
On this tour we will be joined by CJ Ramone, from the world-famous Ramones; Jake Kiley, from Strung Out; Jonny Two Bags, from Social Distortion; and Dave Hidalgo, also from Social Distortion. As ever, an all-star lineup. Even our mistakes are on purpose.
― CJが加わって、バンドにどんな変化がありましたか?
• How has the band changed since CJ joined?
He greedily eats all of the capocollo that I painstakingly source in various towns throughout the world. I’m warning you, don’t leave your capocollo around CJ. He has no self-control around lunch-meats.
― 衣装も毎回楽しみにしていますが、どうやって衣装を決めてますか?
• I'm always excited about your unique costumes. How do you decide on them?
We are always excited, too! Audra-chan is the wardrobe decider. Her motivating vision is something she likes to call “American Schlager”. It’s like German Schlager, but more deadly.
― カバー曲ってどうやって選んでます?皆さんで決めてますか?
I assume you all decide on the cover songs together. How do you usually choose the songs?
If it doesn’t come together within 15 minutes, then it will likely never work. Also, generally speaking, the less I like any given song, the higher the probability that it will work out well, ironically.
― 日本についてどう思ってます?かなり慣れてると思いますが、お気に入りの場所とか店はありますか?
• What are your impressions of Japan? You all seem quite accustomed to it. Any favorite places or shops?
大好きだね。アレサ・フランクリンも言ってたけど「R-E-S-P-E-C-T…(リスペクト)」だよね。京都の「Taiyo Records」が日本、いや世界で一番のお気に入りレコードショップだし、東京・原宿の「エロスティカ」と「シークレットベース」も大好きだね。あとは「まんだらけ」(全国どこにでもあるよね)、大阪の「タイムボム」、アメリカ村の「甲賀流」のたこ焼きも忘れちゃいけない!
I love it. Like Aretha Franklin said, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T…” (that spells respect). My favorite record store in Japan (or the world, for that matter) is Taiyo Records, in Kyoto; Erostika, in Harajuku is great; Secret Base (also in Harajuku); Mandarake (all over the place); Time Bomb, in Osaka; Osaka Americamura Kouga-ryu Honten for takoyaki!!!
― 今回のツアーはどんな感じになりそうですか?
• What kind of tour are you expecting this time?
Only the best. New faces as well as familiar ones. Shinkansen, take me away!!!
― ギミー・ギミーズで長年やってきて、何か変わったことありますか?
• After playing in Gimme Gimmes for many years, how have things changed over time?
Steady as she goes. The more they change, the more they stay the same. We are obssessively focused on perfecting our live performance and visual presentation. If you come to see us, YOU will be changed.
― 最近のお気に入りのバンドっていますか?理由もお聞かせください。
• Do you have any favorite recent bands? If so, why do you like them?
Still Animals are a great band from St Louis. Son Rompe Pera are an excellent Punk/Cumbia outfit from Mexico City. The Schizophonics from San Diego. The Dirtiest from Florence, Italy. I dig these groups for their raw punk rock and roll energy!!!!
― 最近のミュージシャンについてはどう思ってますか?
• What are your thoughts on recent musicians in general?
Less hang-ups about genre categories makes for more interesting musical hybrids. As long as there is bullshit mainstream music, there will always be compelling underground music to provide an alternative.
― もしギミー・ギミーズを抜けるとしたら、誰に後任を頼みたいですか?理由も聞かせて欲しいです。
• If you were to leave Gimme Gimmes, who would you want to take your place, and why?
Rupaul, because she is fierce (轟音!).
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes "Blow it in Japan"
11月18日(月) 大阪・梅田クラブクアトロ
大阪府大阪市北区太融寺町8-17 プラザ梅田 10F
開場 18:00/開演 19:00
with / BURL
11月20日(水) 名古屋クラブクアトロ
愛知県名古屋市中区栄3丁目29-1 名古屋 PARCO 東館 8・9F
開場 18:00/開演 19:00
with / BURL
11月21日(木) Spotify O-EAST
東京都渋谷区道玄坂2丁目148 O-EASTビル 2F
開場 18:00/開演 19:00
全公演:料金 8,800円(前売)/※当日券未定【税込、ドリンク代別途、オールスタンディング】
問い合わせ:株式会社シブヤテレビジョン (電話:03-6300-5238/平日 12:00〜18:00)
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes OFFICIAL HP